Our friends of OIA Shopper is here!
We wanted to design a great OIA bag that is fair trade and made from organic cotton (Ökotex). We had to search for a long time, but then we finally found her. After a short call on Instagram, we had already received many great ideas from you! The slogan - Handmade is Heartmade - was chosen by you as the winner with over 1000 votes.
The bag should represent the values of OIA ceramics and the love we have for our customers - and tada... a few months later we can finally wear the bag and call it our companion. We are proud that the bag will also be sent to you as a gift in the future.
From a purchase value of 150 francs you get this wonderful and, above all, sustainably and fairly manufactured shopper.
We thank you for your great support and look forward to sending you this gift in the future while stocks last:-)
Made to make you happy
Nadja & Oliver
- OIA -